Apartment marketing is all about generating leads and converting them to fully leased. We all know this can sometimes be a time-consuming and tedious process with missed opportunities. That’s where implementing a multifamily chatbot on your apartment website comes in!
Chatbots provide 24/7 access to potential renters, so they don’t have to wait for an answer and you don’t miss an opportunity to give it to them. Let’s take a more in-depth look at what chatbots are, their benefits, and how to implement an effective one. For a concrete checklist of what to include with your multifamily chatbot, check out this handy dandy infographic.
A chatbot is an artificial intelligence that is able to simulate a human conversation. The chat boxes or bubbles appear on your apartment website when someone visits, typically in the bottom corner of the webpage. They’re programmed to know about certain subjects and are able to have a conversation in a natural, human way.
With today’s technology, people expect answers to their questions right away – especially Generation Zers. And in multifamily, whether or not a potential renter gets their questions answered could be the deciding factor in them not choosing your property. With chatbots, you don’t have to worry about missing that opportunity.
There are many reasons why installing a chatbot on your apartment website is a good idea. From generating leads to keeping residents happy, chatbots work overtime to ensure an all-around positive experience for renters and potential renters. To learn more about how chatbots benefit your prospective renters, check out this post !
A few ways chatbots benefit your marketing efforts:
Now, let’s get into what you need to include with your multifamily chatbot to get the most out of it:
Longer conversations lead to higher conversion rates. So, your chatbot needs to have enough information at their disposal to carry on a human-like conversation for as long as the customer needs.
Your chatbot needs to be just as knowledgeable as your leasing team. Potential renters expect your leasing agents to know everything there is to know about the apartment amenities, services, and location, so your chatbot should be programmed with the same information.
Think of your chatbot as another member of your leasing team. Whatever your leasing team does to move customers down the funnel toward leasing – whether it be scheduling a tour or helping apply for a lease – your chatbot should be doing as well.
Even though chatbots are incredibly smart when programmed correctly, at the end of the day, they’re still artificial intelligence. The chatbot may not have the exact answers your customer is looking for. Or, your customer might simply want to speak with a real human. Provide this option during the chatbot conversation, perhaps in the form of a “Call” button or the like.
Always strive to improve your chatbot. Update the AI functionality, improving answers to questions and ensuring accuracy of all information. Additionally, as you use your chatbot and figure out what works and what doesn’t, make those changes in new updates.
As with anything, promote, promote, promote. Renters and potential renters won’t know you have a chatbot unless you advertise it to them. Use your social media accounts and blog to promote your chatbot organically.
Need help implementing an effective chatbot on your apartment website? Contact our marketing experts today!
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